
Free PLC Software

Finding downloads for Free and Demo PLC software can be difficult.
Here's a list of every package we're aware of and we update it regularly.
All downloads list the PLC lines their compatible with and known software restrictions are noted.

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Not another Industrial Software Blog

One opinion on: PLCs, standards, SCADA security, networking, databases, and open source as it relates to industrial hardware and software.

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Data Acquisition Info

The Latest Information for Your Data Acquisition and Automation Project. Free Tutorials on
Foundation Fieldbus, CAN Bus, Profibus, DeviceNet, Ethernet, ASI, PLC, SCADA, HMI, DCS, RTU, LabVIEW, MATLAB, DASYLab, Visual C+, Visual Basic, Delphi.
Please visit

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Automation Media

A website devoted to useful news, articles, reviews, QA forum and knowledge base for Automation and Controls Engineering with an emphasis on important new technology information and a lot of good information about OPC.

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Digital Bond

Digital Bond is a research and consulting practice with unique expertise in both IT Security and Control System Security. We have decades of security experience from the National Security Agency (NSA), large asset owners and leading security equipment providers.

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Byres Security

Security and controls systems professionals dedicated to helping corporations and government agencies defend critical Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and industrial control systems from cyber attack.

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Lynn's Industrial Automation Protocol Tips

Lynn is the Principal Engineer and Industrial Specialist for Digi International. His pages document his learning and experiences with all sorts of industrial protocols. Lots of interesting reading.

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Machine Tool Help

Help and advice all in one place. Whether you are buying selling or repairing a new, used, machining center, CNC lathe, CNC router or any other type of machine tool, we can point you in the right direction. Avoid mistakes, downtime, and make important educated decisions.

Local Automation is an interactive website designed specifically for the industrial automation industry. Our goal is to bring together 'users' and 'providers' of industrial automation technologies.

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Modeling and Control Blog

A joint blog on modeling and control by Gregory K. McMillan, a retired Senior Fellow from Solutia and Monsanto and Terry Blevins, principal technologist for DeltaV Product Engineering at Emerson.

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