Automation has come a long way...

Looking at these old photos of the Atwater Kent radio factory in Philadelphia circa 1925 it really strikes me how far automation has come.

Queens of the Radio: 1925
The Enormous Radio Factory: 1925
Radio Room 1925
Making Capacitors
The Test Table

If you can, take the time to look at the full size version of these pictures and see the enormity this operation.

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Thanks for sharing those pix

Thanks for sharing those pix Tim. Amazing how unfathomable things were done less than 100 years ago!

what is the easiest PLC to learn Siemens or AB?

Hi Im brent, im a computer engineer and im starting to learn the basic of PLC, can you help me to decide which course of PLC type or brand i will need to learn fast, siemens or allen bradley PLC.



Radio Room 1925

If you were to look at a fractional horsepower electric motor manufacturer in the 50's and 60's it would not have looked much different with rows of females doing primarily hand-winding of the motors. Unfortunately, the motor industry has not had the benefit of paradigm shifting technology like the transistor -- yet.

Also, I just had to try your new SPAM-blocking comment software.

P.S. Oops, the filter thought my submission might have been spam -- maybe I shouldn't have used the "s" word.